The Who Behind the Why
As we grow up, the people we encounter shape us into the people we become. Our parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, and mentors all have a hand in molding us into the adults we are today. That’s why it’s important we take the time to celebrate those who have had such a profound impact on us. On Senior Citizen’s Day, we want to honor these incredible people and celebrate the amazing memories we share with them.
The team here at Villi wanted to share with you the older adults in our lives who have impacted us.
Krystal Goss, Advisor
This is my grandmother (Nanny). She developed Alzheimer’s in her 70s but could still play the piano like she had never forgotten a single thing in her entire life. Nothing could ever keep her down, not even a debilitating disease, so I strive to be like her every single day.”
Katie Doerfler, Director of Operations
The who behind my why is my Grandma Peggy. She lived with my family for 18 years, starting when I was 8 years. My mom was her primary caregiver and the rest of us pitched in to support where it was needed. Some of my favorite memories with her include fishing (she LOVED fishing), playing cribbage, and yelling at the TV during Minnesota Vikings games. She loved all things purple, so I know she’d love Villi.
Mikey Newton, Territory Relationship Manager
I am sending a couple of photos of my neighbor, Billie. She died at 85 of cancer and her beautiful Golden Retriever, Ann came to live with me. My why: Billie was a dear friend and a mentor to me. She was fiercely independent but needed help at the end of her life due to breast cancer. I got to be a part of her support team and I would not have missed the chance to repay all the kindness she showed me
Sarah Andrews, Advisor
I attached one of my favorite photos of me and my grandfather. We were very close and growing up with a single mom, he was always there to support me. He passed away in 2018, and I am so thankful for the time we had together and all the goofy moments we shared.
Stephanie Roper, Advisor
Here is a picture of my grandfather, we called him Pop-pop. My favorite memory of him is every time we would go to visit he was always watching Looney Tunes, specifically the Road Runner & Coyote duo. He never watched the news or any other typical program an adult would watch, and said it was because cartoons are more fun and keep him young. He was always smiling and cracking jokes, and he greatly impacted my life in the most positive way. He passed when I was in 7th grade and I miss him every day.
Lilia Birchmeier, Advisor
This is Grandma Shirley. She is my Grandmother-in-law and she has always accepted me as her own. I never knew my grandparents growing up but when I met Grandma Shirley, she hugged me so tightly and talked with me so sweetly, I then knew what it was like to have a wonderful Grandma. She is the best at playing the Accordion and making an amazing homemade turkey dressing for Thanksgiving. Grandma Shirley will always have a place in my heart.
Brianna Hanson, Content Marketing Specialist
The “Who” behind my “Why” are my Grandma and Grandpa Boettcher. They have been married for 56 years and are my favorite people in the world. I’m so lucky to have gotten to live with them growing up, and even for a few years as an adult. Those years together are precious to me. They have always been my biggest cheerleaders, favorite travel buddies, kept me close to the Lord, and are at the forefront of the best memories of my life. I’m so grateful for them and always strive to make them proud.
Mary Meeker, National Director
We moved my grandmother from her home and across the state 10 years ago because we did not have resources like Villi to allow her to age in place independently. We spent summers with my Granna when we were kids and some of my best memories as a child were with her. My Granna became my “Why” for this team and our mission. It’s personal for me.
Take Some Time to Celebrate the Older Adults in Your Life
As you can see from our stories, there are many reasons to celebrate the older adults in our lives. They bring us joy, wisdom, and perspective. They have lived through war, recessions, and pandemics and have so much to teach us about resilience and perseverance.
So, on Senior Citizen’s Day, let’s take some time to honor these loved ones. You can visit them, send them a card, or give them a call. Listen to their stories, ask for their advice, and tell them how much you appreciate them. Together, we can make this day a special one, not only for them but for us as well.
The Villi team is here to help
Do you need help with a loved one? Then consider Villi’s homemaker and companionship services. Our team of friendly, compassionate Companions takes great pride in serving people in their own community who need light assistance with daily chores, some company and conversation, or convenient transportation for errands, appointments, or trips to the store.
Explore our services to learn more about our:
- Homemaker and companionship services
- Easy-to-use scheduling platform
- “Best Value” service pricing
- Only 1-hour service minimum
Sign-up in seconds to enjoy free 24hr access to our on-demand scheduling platform, where you can view our team of vetted compassionate companions.
If you have questions about our services, please feel free to call 1-844-624-5646 to speak to one of our caring service Advisors.